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COPENHAGEN, DENMARK (NOVEMBER 13, 2015) (REUTERS) DANISH PRIME MINISTER, LARS RASMUSSEN, ARRIVING AT NEWS CONFERENCE WITH MINISTER OF IMMIGRATION, INTEGRATION AND HOUSING, INGER STOJBERG, AND JUSTICE MINISTER, SOREN PIND (SOUNDBITE) (Danish) DANISH PRIME MINISTER, LARS RASMUSSEN, SAYING: "In October alone 3,600 people have sought asylum in Denmark." MEDIA AT NEWS CONFERENCE (SOUNDBITE) (Danish) DANISH PRIME MINISTER, LARS RASMUSSEN, SAYING: "We have now reached a point where more people have sought asylum in Denmark this year, than all of last year." MEDIA AT NEWS CONFERENCE (SOUNDBITE) (Danish) DANISH PRIME MINISTER, LARS RASMUSSEN, SAYING: "We must act in a manner that best shields Denmark from the massive pressure that we and all of Europe are under. When we now must act it is because there is a limit to how many refugees we can handle in Denmark when we want to maintain a good, safe and harmonic society. And when we shall protect, which we shall, our ability to integrate those we rightly accept. " MEDIA AT NEWS CONFERENCE LOGO OF THE PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE WALL DECORATIONS (SOUNDBITE)(Danish) DANISH PRIME MINISTER LARS RASMUSSEN SAYING: "First and foremost this underlines the issue that Europe cannot handle this. Hopefully addressing this leads to more political energy. By addressing the issue Europe is putting pressure on achieving peace in Syria. Also, as we agreed yesterday we are in more earnest dialogue with Turkey to see if we can meet each other in a deal to secure better conditions for the millions staying in Turkey and using it as a transit country. Also that Turkey gets more resources to administrate its borders to Europe. This is necessary. Everything else just shifts the problem, which only goes so far. In my eyes it signals stronger realism in the debate." MEN AT NEWS CONFERENCE RASMUSSEN LEAVING
Dateline: 2015

Europe-Migrants/Denmark Danish Prime Minister Announces Tighter Controls O... Video

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