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(L!1) JERUSALEM (OCTOBER 18, 2002) (REUTERS) CLOSE OF SIGN READING INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN EMBASSY JERUSALEM WIDE/ PAN EXTERIOR OF EMBASSY SCU (SOUNDBITE) (English) PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER AT INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN EMBASSY, DAVID PARSONS SAYING: "Well, we know that there have been differences between Evangelical Christians and the Jewish people and very understandably we understand our own church history throughout the centuries and why Jews would have suspicions. We know now that Oslo has basically unravelled and Israel no longer has a peace partner. Israel is in an era of weapons of mass destruction, mass terrorism; they are looking for friends around the world and we can also say that they have no better friends than bible believing Christians. We believe the promises of God for the Jewish people. Whether they accept us or not, if it takes time, that's fine. Christians are there with our hand out and it's unconditional support. We're bringing it based on the commands of our own scriptures and we're not going to condition our support on whether they do this or that." (L!1) JERUSALEM (RECENT) (REUTERS) SLV ULTRA-ORTHODOX JEWS STANDING OVER RAIL CLOSE OF ULTRA-ORTHODOX JEWS LOOKING VARIOUS, (SOUNDBITE) (Hebrew+English) CHRISTIAN EVANGELICAL MAN PREACHING AT WESTERN WALL WITH GROUP OF EVANGELICALS, SAYING: "At the time of Birkat Hacohanim (a Jewish prayer for Cohens). We are with you, we are with you and God will come here to the state of Israel. We are with you." (L!1) JERUSALEM (OCTOBER 18, 2002) (REUTERS) SMV RABBI DAVID ROSEN, INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE SITTING AT DESK WRITING SCU (SOUNDBITE) (English) RABBI DAVID ROSEN, INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE SAYING: "The expectations of the end of days, the final unfolding, is focused specifically here (Israel) because this is where the biblical prophecy relates to. And therefore there is a great, I sense, that the return of the Jewish people to its homeland and the establishment of the state of Israel is part of the unfolding of that final end of days. And therefore a support for Israel's well-being, as being able to bring about the second coming, so the final vision of the unfolding of these events supporting for Israel is for the ultimate triumph for Christianity in which everybody who is capable of doing so that without Christian faith, they are condemned and those who don't, will be destroyed and eliminated. And therefore the long term view of what's going to unfold here is not terribly salietry and hopeful for the future of Judaism and the Jewish people as such."
Dateline: 2002

Jerusalem: Christian Evangelicals Campaign To Raise Money For Jews In Isra... Video

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